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Put a baby in her!

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Narcissists and the Weaponisation of Pregnancy It’s mental health awareness week and I wanted to write a blog to raise more awareness of how perpetrators of domestic and narcissistic abuse can use alarming tactics to entrap their partners . Put… Read More »Put a baby in her!

Bad Vs Good Habits

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In January 2023 I gave up drinking alcohol for seven months and it felt really good. This is a bad habit that I’m not taking into 2024. I didn’t give up alcohol for a New Years Resolution as I don’t… Read More »Bad Vs Good Habits


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Wellness retreat in the woods

Do you make yourself a priority?

Setting boundaries was something that I had to learn as I was always a ‘Yes’ person and saying no can take skill and really paying attention to your gut feeling and intuition. Often if something doesn’t feel right then it usually isn’t.

Re-write your Future

There were so many life lessons for me to really delve deep into and start understanding why I never felt enough and never truly loved myself from the inside. Throughout writing my story there were incidents from my past that… Read More »Re-write your Future