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Bid Writing

Do you need funding for your organisation and support to get the next project off the ground, happy to discuss how I can assist with writing your business a winning proposal. 

Excellent Writing Skills 

  • Strong command of the English language. 
  • Ability to convey complex ideas in a clear and concise manner. 
  • Proficiency in creating compelling narratives that resonate with funders. 
  • Self-published author 
  • Bid writing since 2010, ensuring a good understanding of the landscape, winning funding for a variety of organisations including her own CIC with 5 out of 6 recent successes.  
  • Great knowledge of the third sector and social impact.
Research Skills
  • Capable of conducting thorough research to identify relevant funding opportunities. 
  • Ability to gather data and information needed to support funding applications. 
Understanding of Funding Landscape
  • Knowledgeable about various funding sources, including government grants, private foundations, and corporate sponsorships. 
  • Awareness of current funding trends and priorities in the UK. 
Attention to Detail
  • Meticulous in reviewing and editing proposals to ensure accuracy and completeness. 
  • Ability to follow guidelines and adhere to specific application requirements. 
Project Management
  • Organised and capable of managing multiple projects and deadlines simultaneously. 
  • Experience in coordinating with various stakeholders to gather necessary information. 
Strategic Thinking
  • Ability to align project goals with the priorities of potential funders. 
  • Strategic approach to positioning a project or organisation to appeal to funders. 
Budgeting Skills
  • Proficient in creating accurate and realistic budgets for funding applications. 
  • Understanding of financial terminology and principles. 
Communication and Interpersonal Skills
  • Effective communicator who can collaborate with internal teams and external stakeholders. 
  • Ability to build and maintain relationships with funders, partners, and clients. 
  • Open to feedback and willing to revise proposals based on input from stakeholders or funders. 
  • Ability to adapt to changes in funding priorities or application processes. 
Ethical Conduct
  • Adherence to ethical standards in fundraising and bid writing. 
  • Commitment to transparency and honesty in all interactions with funders. 
Continuous Learning
  • Willingness to stay informed about changes in the funding landscape and best practices in bid writing. 
  • Participation in professional development opportunities to enhance skills. 
  • Focus on achieving positive outcomes, whether in the form of successful funding awards or meeting project goals.
  •  Can provide an accessible video application format on request. 

Register your interest with Amanda today.

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